SRA OSS India Pvt ltd Apps

iSimran 1.0.3
iSimran is an application developed to remindthe user to do the simran at agiven time and play the selected simran track for the set period.User canselect the track, set the time to remind about it, set the durationforwhich it should be played and send feedback etc.Simran refers to the remembrance of God by repetition or recitalof His Nameor Nām. The one God is known by many names which are mentioned inthe HolyTexts. It is said that by carrying out Simran the person ispurified andattains Salvation or Mukti."To do Simran" is the physical act of sitting in a cross-leggedposition andmeditating, uttering or chanting "Naam" - the name of God. Theprocessbrings calmness to the mind and allows one to concentrate on the"image" or"qualities" of God. The process is to allow one to "connect" to theCreatorand "realise" His qualities. Sikhs prefer the name "Waheguru" toother namesof God. Sometimes, the person doing simran will do this as part ofa groupor individually. Early morning is normally the preferred timealthough noone time period is considered more sacred than another.
SRAOSS Radio Streamer 1.0.0
This application is capable of playing alltheRadio Channels of Shuotcast Genres. And it is design to avoidthecomplexity about the flow to the user. It is a simple onescreenapplication with more radio streaming stations.
iMusicShare 1.0.2
Curious to know music tracks your friendsarelistening to?Would like to share the track names you listened to?iMusic share is an app which will help you do thatThis is real music share application for Android.Know what music your friends are listening to and share themusictrack details with friends.Post the details on Face book and TwitterInvite friends to share the music interests.Search and Buy the music tracks, you don't have, fromAndroidMarketAll this you can do for free!
Currency Converter 1.0
This application gives a facility to selectoneCurrency and then view the value of this currency vis-à-vismultiplecurrencies.The user can select the currency for which they would like toseethe conversion values.User also can select and save the other currencies in whichtheywould like to see the converted values.This will be a useful application for those who need to viewtheconverted values in specific currencies all the time. At a gotheycan view all the converted values.The source for conversion of currencies is Yahoo Finance. Weusedthe services provided by them to get the conversion rates at agiventime. Rates are obtained every 10 minutes from the YahooFinanceServer.
iSimran LitePro 1.0.0
You can follow us at @sraossisimran ontwitterSite : www.wahegurusimran.orgWaheguru ( or commissioned and advised SRA OSS India in developingthisapplication.Waheguru Simran is meditation of the crown chakra. Itistechnology to remove the veil of illusion from mind and connectyouto your real identity. It's technology to control yourmind.Waheguru means God and Simran meansAttention. Waheguru Simran is about paying attention to God.God is inside us but we don't realize Him. Our attentionisoutwards. When we divert that attention inside, we realizeGodinside us. When we realize God inside, He is no longer aforeignerto us. We see Him everywhere. Withthe help of Waheguru Simran meditation, we train ourselves todivertour attention inwards. This requires some effort from ourside, therest is taken care of by the Divine power. WaheguruSimran is donewith the help of Divine Word"Waheguru".Please spread your love for Waheguru Simran by gifting thisappto your friends and relatives.Price of $0.99 is for development and improvement ofthis app. There is no commercial interest of WaheguruSimranFoundation in sale of this app. We want to keep all WaheguruSimranresources free.All the proceeds from sale go to the developers of this apptocover the development costs who were kind enough to developtheapplication with the understanding that the development costswillbe recovered from the saleproceeds of the application.Twitter: @wahegurusimran ; Facebook:
Photo Puzzle SRA 1.0
Photo Puzzle is the popular square-puzzlegamefor Android .The amazing app that associates the classic gameofpuzzle to the use of a square blocks to be tapping or swipingwithyour fingers. It gets tough and has fun in arranging themissingimage . Beyond finding the missing piece you must identifytheright side of the image and insert it in the correctpositioninside the puzzle.The features involved in developing this application are :*User can use an image from own photo album or take one withtheAndroid's built-in camera and use it as a puzzle. Play PhotoPuzzlewith your own images* Photo Puzzle features multiple difficulty levels and the timeaswell as the number of moves is counted.*The size of the image varies as per the different selectionblocksizes and difficulty levels.* Options in changing the background* Possibility to customize levels - SIMPLE AND HARDER* Option of moving the puzzle blocks by tapping or swiping.* The original image can always be displayed once the imagearereplace in the correct order .* Social integration option(face-book , twitter)